Persistent storage
Ce que nous savons actuellement sur les conteneurs:
- les conteneurs sont éphémères
- Les données écritent dans un conteneur sont détruites lors de sa suppression
- Quand un Pod est supprimé, les conteneurs sont supprimés de la Node
- Comment pouvons nous persisté de la données entre les différents cycle de vie des Pods ?
Storage API Object
Kubernetes nous donne des objects permettant de persisté de la donnée:
- Volume - Stockage persistant qui devient une part du pod (dans les specs)
- Persistent Volume - Stockage de la donnée en elle même, stockage pour les pods utilisé dans le cluster
- Persistent Volume Claim - Demande faite par un utilisateur de persister un volume
- Storage Class - Un moyen de créer des groupes ou classes de stockage disponible dans le cluster
- Persistent storage deployed as part of the Pod spec
- Implementation details for your storage
- This can be challenging...
- Sharing code (very restritive with the Pod itself)
- Same lifecycle as Pod
- We can do better...
Persistent Volumes
- Administrator defined storage in the Cluster
- Is the responsibility of the cluster administrator to create and delete storage
- This is going to be an API object that represents the actual storage itself
- Implementation details for your storage
- Lifecycle independent of the Pod
- Managed by the Kubelet
- Maps the storage in the Node
- Exposes Persitent Volume as a mount inside the container - like any other Linux device
For more details
Types of Persistent Volumes
For simplify the different types of persistent volumes:
It isn't an exhaustive list, a more complete list is available here:
Persistent Volumes Claim
- A request for storage by a user - is a resquest to the cluster for some amount of storage
- Size
- Access Mode - specific node, read-only /read-write
- Storage Class
- Enable portability of your application configurations
- The Cluster will map a PVC to a PV
Access Mode
In PV & PVC we'll need to define an access mode. Wich controls how a node (or multiple nodes) access a PV.
Because a PV & PVC are mapped to the Node by the kubelet and the exposed into a Pod.
They are 3 access modes:
- ReadWriteOnce (RWO)
- One Node can mount a volume for read & write access
- ReadWriteMany (RWX)
- More than one Node can be access to the volume for read & write access
- ReadOnlyMany (ROX)
- More than one Node can be access to the volume for readOnlyAccess
The volumes are Node level access, not Pod level access
Static Provisioning Workflow
- Define a persistent volume - detail for access (ex: NFS, server adress), the size in the spec
- Define a persistent volume claim - is the resquest for storage in the cluster - define the size, access mode and storage class
- Define Volume in Pod spec